StartUp Goal Setting

StartUp Goal Setting is crucial. It took Neil Armstrong years of mental & physical preparation, goal setting and attainment before ever setting foot on his first space shuttle let alone achieving his life goal of being the first man in history to every set foot on the moon and return to Earth to tell the story.

Concentration, hard work, determination and persistence.. All words that we have heard of before and have a good grasp of what they mean; but none of these are worth a thing without effective and adequate goal setting.

My favourite definition of a goal is, ‘the finish line of a race’.

finish line

As a StartUp business having goals is a key determinant to the success or failure of your business, which should be viewed as sport because winning is imperative to the success of your business. Learn to set goals from the get go even before you breathe the first breath of life into your beloved StartUp and you will quickly find that they act as a guiding light along your path to business success. They will act as milestones along your path that help you test and measure the success of your business’ journey and effectively you will know really quick if your business venture is worth pursuing any further or not.

What Kind of Goals Should I set?

Your goals have to be big, hairy and audacious. That’s right your goals have to not only scare you a little bit but also get you excited enough to get you motivated enough to work on a rainy Sunday morning when you’d rather be curled up on the couch watching reruns of Battlestar Galactica on satellite television all day… Personally my motivation is taking ownership of a 2014 Rolls Royce Wraith.. What’s yours?


i) Start with your end game in mind. By this I mean look at what kind of business you want to build, where you want your business to be/ look like in 5 years time and set THAT goal as the primary aim of your business. For example in 5 years my goal is to have my business on auto pilot and ready to sell as a turnkey operation for the next business owner to come in, turn the key to the business systems I have created and continue on with the business however they please while continuing to turn a profit with not much input at all.. The hard work has already been done!

turnkey business

ii) Set smaller milestone goals. These should be annual, 6 monthly quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals. These are the lifeblood of your business and will be the most crucial set of goals you set for yourself as a StartUp, specifically in the areas of turnover (sales) and general business growth such as number of prospects seen, trade shows attended etc. Now don’t freak put about having these set in stone; change is good and without change there is no growth! The idea is that after 1 year of business you will be able to look back at the goals you had initially set and say right well I achieved most of them and changed a lot of them, and my business is a lot better off because of that.


iii) It is imperative to set yourself personal development goals with respect to your abilities as a business owner. These are wide reaching across all areas of business and personal life and the most effective way to do this is to start READING! Listening to audio tapes in the car instead of listening to the radio you can literally become an expert any field you desire simply through repetition in your car, at the gym, walking.. Literally anywhere you go with iPhone and Android technology there are no excuses not to develop yourself personally and professionally on a daily basis. All my clients receive, ‘The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey’ in audio format as this directly deals with the most crucial aspect of business; Cash-flow and Debt elimination. How to handle your personal debt and build and generate wealth in the long term, these principles are directly related to how your business functions & operates.

TotalMoneyMakeover image

There you have it.There is plenty more information to receive on this topic so make sure to subscribe to my blog here on WordPress or follow me on Twitter and Facebook to ensure you don’t miss out on any tips and hints to ensure that you get the best StartUp advice to help coach you along your path to Business StartUp Success!

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